Privacy Policy

  1. At GARY & NICOLE PTY LTDwe understand the importance of keeping your personal information safe, therefore upmost care is always exercised when dealing with your personal information.
    2. We require your name, street address, email address, phone number to process your order and to communicate with you about your purchase or enquiries if necessary.
    3. We will NOT disclose your personal information including email addresses to any third parties that is not directly related to processing your orders or providing you with our services or products.
    4. We will NOT pass on your personal information including email addresses to any third parties for the purpose of profit.
    5. We may send you promotional or special offers via email, however, we will remove you from our mailing list should you no longer wish to receive promotional emails from us.
    6. We take extra care in managing newsletter unsubscription, but it could take up to 1 day to process your “unsubscribe” request due to technical reasons, therefore although it’s quite unlikely but at the same time possible for you to receive a newsletter even after you have submitted the “unsubscribe” request.
    7. We do not process, or hold any information of, your credit card, it’s processed by Paypal or other relevant financial institutions.
    8. Users data protection:
    We use industry standard AES-256 encryption algorithm to encrypt the critical data including user’s email address, password and phone number.